Social Investment Business - Create Equity

Social Investment Business – Create Equity

Project: Create Equity Accelerator Programme

Grant: £60,000

Create Equity is launching an accelerator programme designed to provide organisational development, capacity building and grant financing to black-led social enterprises and charities in the arts and creative industries. The Create Equity accelerator programme will address the historic underfunding of black-led organisations, by providing corrective investment to support the development of 10-15 enterprises.

The outcomes and learnings from the accelerator will act as a research project, to example best practices in capacity building for black-led organisations and catalyse wider change towards racially equitable funding in the UK. The Connect Fund grant will contribute towards the advisory and mentorship support to diversifying the market of social investment. The accelerator will help establish and refine Create Equity’s advisory function – increasing their capacity to prepare black-led enterprises for investment. Indirectly, it will also build the awareness of Create Equity as a black led infrastructure organisation.